Saturday, July 29, 2006

May Fest In Lincoln Square

The Chicago-Lincoln Square May Fest is sponsored by the Karnevalsgesellschaft Rheinische Verein, which was established in 1890 by Germans from the Rheinland. They are also known as the Mardi Gras Society. Each year, on the first weekend in June, Alderman Schulter closes down Lincoln Avenue from the corner of Leland Avenue to the intersection of Western Avenue, and the Mardi Gras Society lays out a great small festival. In the municipal parking lot, they erect a huge tent that holds the maiwein (sweet white wine), beers (maibock, lager, and pilsener), the stage for the polka bands and German 80's cover bands, and the dance floor. On the Lincoln Avenue curve, they place the grills and food tents that contain everything from Thuringer sausage, Bratwurst, and Lieberkase to herring sandwiches, pretzels, and struedel.

Grill Meisters and Keg Tapping Ceremony - Official photos from Rheinische Verein

In the other parking lot near Western Avenue, a carnival midway is set-up with kids games and the usual carny stuff. (Aedhan always loves the Rubber Duckie game, where every year he wins an inflatable hammer, which he promptly uses to hit Mommie and Daddie over their heads).
I have included a description of the Deutsche Mai Fest tradition (from the Mardi Gras Society website) below:
"The tradition of May Fest has come down through the ages to signify the arrival of Spring, it is celebrated with a Maibaum. The Maibaum, with its close connections to the pagan and Christian tree of life, is the May Fest’s symbol of fertility and rebirth. Traditionally, the bark of a tall fir or pine tree is removed except for a few feet of treetop. Legend has it that this is done to rid the tree of evil spirits who roam the deep, dark forests of the German hinterlands but hide under the bark of trees in winter. The Maibaum is then garnished with a wreath of fir or pine branches and flowers which is perched just under the treetop. Long, multi colored ribbons stream down from the wreath and around the Maibaum itself, and painted woodcuts depicting the main crafts and local culture of the village are hung as branches down along its sides. Some villages hold a contest to see who can climb the Maibaum, barefoot, the fastest. The prize, pretzels or sausages, is hidden inside the wreath. Though the Maibaum is set up in the village square, it has to be guarded carefully less it is stolen and held for ransom (typically a barrel of beer) by the men of a neighboring village.
Of course, if Spring is in the air, the May Fest also holds the promise of romance as dances around the Maibaum entice those so inclined into the spirit of the season. - (Mike Haas)"
On the first day of the festival the Alderman and the President of Rheinische Verein hold the official Keg Tapping Ceremony. From that Thursday, until Sunday at 10:00pm, thousands of people will visit the festival. This year four of those participants were Lisa, Paul, Aedhan, and Andre Lucero (a friend of ours from Kinko's).
Uncle Andre and Aedhan (Andre took the picture we used for Aedhan's Birth Announcement)
My Boys!!
Aedhan Riding on Daddie's Shoulders!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day, we took Aedhan to the parade downtown. It was funny because many military servicemen and women were taking Aedhan's photo as they were marching in the parade. Aedhan also got his first Air Force Pin from someone in the parade.
Aedhan and Paul on the train.
After the Parade, we took Aedhan to Crowne Fountain to play in the water. There are two towers down which water cascades to a pool at the base. Children run around and play in the pools, splashing everyone and everything nearby.

Crowne Fountain - Periodically sheets of water will pour down from the top of the fountains, as jets of water spray from the facade into the screaming children eagerly waiting in the pool below.
Aedhan and Daddie playing in the water and wearing their hats.

I'm From Down Under

I'm Ready to Garden

I've got my gloves on. Let's go Garden!

Crazy Man

Crazy Man with his Handle Haulers.
I'm going to ignore you.
I'm gonna get the camera Mommie.
Learned to climb up towards the window.

The Nutty Little Man

Ok ??
Trying on crazy winter hats before they're packed up.

Sitting In A Big Boy Chair

Look at me Momma!!
Watch It Mommie, I've got a mouth full of Milk!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Flying A Kite In Welles Park

It's funny!! We took Aedhan to fly his Octopus Kite, and we never took any photo's of Paul and Aedhan flying his kite.
Look at ME!!
Aedhan being cool in his shades.

Chicago Park District Easter Egg Hunt

Since I was little, I've always traveled to visit relatives for holidays. Once becoming a mom, I find that I want to stay home and start new traditions with my family. Visitors are always welcome!!
Aedhan Showing his eggs.
Aedhan and the Easter Bunny. Aedhan was not too sure of him.

Grandpa Tom and Aedhan reading his Easter books.
Aedhan tuckered out after his adventure.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Easter Sunday(4-16-06)
It's funny how Aedhan doesn't need tons of candy. We did an Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard because we had gone to a Park District sponsored Easter Egg Hunt which was poorly managed. Aedhan only got 3 eggs, and he tried to share with other children who didn't get any eggs.
We filled most of the eggs with money since Aedhan loves to receive it and put it in his Piggy Banks. He's already starting to "pinch his pennies."
Aedhan opening an Egg with Fruit Chews.

Aedhan enjoying his 1st Easter Egg Hunt!!Aedhan holding his Designer Egg By Mommie.
Aedhan Opening His loot!!
Grandpa Tom, GrandNan and Aedhan

The Roscoe Family Easter Portrait #1
Aedhan just loves to have his photo taken.
The Roscoe Family Easter Portrait #2

Friday, July 07, 2006

Aedhan's Favorite Meal!!!

Aedhan loves Hot Dogs and Macaroni & Cheese with Dip-Dip!!
I love to rub Dip-Dip all over my face!!
Anybody want some Macaroni?

In these pictures, Aedhan is almost 18 months old. He does nothing but eat from the time he gets up until he goes to bed. He's a growing boy.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


The apartment we live in has a backyard, so in April, Paul and I were raking the leaves to get ready to plant the garden and clean up the yard for Aedhan to play. Aedhan was trying to help, but instead, he decided to try the dirt.
Aedhan Sporting his REDWINGS HAT!!

Aedhan, The Funny LITTLE MAN!!

As Aedhan gets older, he doesn't like to pose for the camera. He usually will show you what is in his mouth.
Aedhan the "FLIRT"