Monday, July 17, 2006


Easter Sunday(4-16-06)
It's funny how Aedhan doesn't need tons of candy. We did an Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard because we had gone to a Park District sponsored Easter Egg Hunt which was poorly managed. Aedhan only got 3 eggs, and he tried to share with other children who didn't get any eggs.
We filled most of the eggs with money since Aedhan loves to receive it and put it in his Piggy Banks. He's already starting to "pinch his pennies."
Aedhan opening an Egg with Fruit Chews.

Aedhan enjoying his 1st Easter Egg Hunt!!Aedhan holding his Designer Egg By Mommie.
Aedhan Opening His loot!!
Grandpa Tom, GrandNan and Aedhan

The Roscoe Family Easter Portrait #1
Aedhan just loves to have his photo taken.
The Roscoe Family Easter Portrait #2

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