Monday, April 23, 2007

Aedhan In A Box

Paul had been bringing boxes home, so we could pack up items we weren't using in the apartment. For a family of three (soon to be four in March), we were out-growing our two bedroom apartment. We had our stuff stored in the attic, basement and garage.
Aedhan hiding in the box


Look At Me

I'm in the Box

Laying in the Box

Aedhan packing himself and his ambulance.

Aedhan likes to sit in the chair and act like Daddie. When we were packing we turned around to find Aedhan taking a sip of Daddie's soda (or is it Old Style)?

(Pictures taken 10-30-06)

1 comment:

Ken said...

Some times the best toys are the cheep toys. Rodney played with a box for days. He was pretending he was Calvin and had his stuffed cat being Hobbs. It was very cute.